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I chose this image to represent my side of the argument that the drinking age should stay twenty one because it shows nation wide that the support for lowering the drinking age is not that strong.
Keep the Drinking Age Twenty One
The class assignment was to pick a widely arguable topic to debate against two other students in the class that oppose to your argument on the subject. My partner and I chose to argue the drinking age should be kept at twenty one and not lowered to eighteen like my counterparts were saying. It is a proven fact that many lives have been saved yearly because the drinking age is where it is. Yes kids are still going to be rebels and drink illegaly, but atleast this way if they get caught they can be punished and held accountable for their actions and maybe think twice about drinking. If the drinking age is twenty one their is a greater possibility of more accidents that could have been avoided because the person at fault would not have been considered legal age to consume alcohol.
Links with information on topic. This website shows statistics on death tolls from underage drinking and also stats on how many kids underage drink. Drinking.aspx Lists an estimated life savior count because of the twenty one years of age drinking law. Also explains how drinking underage is the number one youth drug problem in the country.,0,7335398.story Talks about how students on college campuses are attempting to get the twenty one years of age lowered and reasons against it. | Talks about how the age should be lowered for legal drinking from twenty one to eighteen because kids will still attempt to drink that it might as well be legal. This website is a paper from a professor at Indiana University and in it he states that the drinking age should be lowered in restaraunts and controlled environments ala' public places.
Presentational Aid * A video interview with Sheriff Carr Jr. speaking about the use of underage drinking in the community. * A Graph of Statistics of Causes and Injuries from underage drinking. * Re-enact a field sobriety test by getting a student and spinning them around twenty times in their chair and immediatly giving them a sobriety test to simulate being intoxicated. * Clips from Websites a live footage of arrests being made on an underage person intoxicated. * Print outs to hand to the students of statistics of underage drinking. |